by Jacob Deng Ding, 10-01-04
  In the event of my life...
No place to call home, people called me "A Lost Boy" meaning a child with no parents (Orphan). I live on my own in hardship, using only my tears. No father, no mother. I had never known the benefits of having parents. I don't know how good the world is. I was born in war, grew in fear, and remained in despair. My life has been useless, all useless. Suffering is my daily life.
In the event of my life
No place to call home, people called me "A Refugee" meaning someone who left his own country because of war. I am a refugee. I left my home country on November 17, 1987 (never returned). Because of war, I traveled to Ethiopia on foot, searching for better life, better school, and ran away from the war. Four years later, because of war, I left Ethiopia in May 1991. We ran back across the border of Ethiopia and Sudan (to Southeast Sudan) along the "River Gilo," a river where thousands of the lost boys drowned, or were eaten by crocodiles and wild animals. Because of war, we also walked across the Sahara desert to Kenya. This journey took three months by foot. On July 27, 1992, we arrived in Kenya (Refugees camp), and stayed there for nine years.
In the event of my life
According to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [UNHCR] and the U.S. Department of State Bureau for population, Refugees, and Migration, I came to the U.S. Under Section 207 of the Refugee Act of 1980, public law 92-212. I have been required to pass all of the clearance procedures necessary to gain entrance to, or residency in, the United States. O' yeah.! That is so called, "An immigrant" from which World Relief (Agency) in Chicago sponsored me under the Geneva Convention of 1990s, signed by President Clinton. The Lost Boys of Sudan allowed coming and living in the U.S. three years ago. I left Africa on April 29, 2001, and I arrived in the United States on 05/01/01.
The Voice of the Lost Boys of Sudan
We are living, we are surviving, and we are "The Lost Boys of Sudan!" Our movement's goal is to preserve an identity, an antiquity and representing the future of our people...Those who died and those who live for the Southern Sudan. Our country had no happiness...! No freedom...! No hope...! And also no future! It's filled up with graves. No elsewhere but my country Sudan, where 2.5 million people have died as a result of either war or famine, and displaced more millions in other countries. The government practices systemic genocide with a vengeance on its own civilians, [waging war by burning buildings and massacring people's belongings, destroying lands and farm animals, raping women and killing men], in which a more able world has ignored the cries of the cruelly persecuted natives who lived there by many generations. In this place a terrible holocaust is taking place each day. Because of war, the people of Southern Sudan scattered everywhere in the world. And now again, the People of Western Sudan are dying every day and night.
It's War.! To what end?
Also, unsolved? "Unforgettable war" said by the Media, and "described it as the world's worst crises." "Big Business," a term used by those who went there to kill civilians and buy oil, they give names. That government said, "Kill Christian by Christian." then called it "a civil war," as a symbol, a slogan, a way of killing. Uh huh! God knows who's this land belonging?
The Land and The People.
"Sudan." In the history, if you read, or visit the corridors of history from the Biblical Kush [Book of Isaiah chapter 18] we are a historical people, under the Kingdom of Kush, "The powerful nation divided by the rivers, the land of the blacks beyond the mountains of Ethiopia, a land of the brave, fearless and proud, tall, smooth skinned people along the Nile." In the Phillip's Atlas, we are African Period. There is no book of antiquity in which we are not mentioned. The land known as Sudan nowadays was named Kush before. From God's creator and the creatures' time, the black Africans were there. Before Turkish and British colonized Sudan there were people known as "Hermit" meaning someone who lives far away from other people. And later, Arabs came as traders, selling salt across the Red Sea from Saudi Arabia. They called the people and the land "Belad el Suds," in Arabic, the Suds. which means the land of the blacks. The land and the people, "Sudan," the land of the blacks.


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